IMPLAN currently has international data for 2015, 2018, 2019, and 2020. Active subscribers will automatically have access to the latest international data. The latest international release includes data for the following 76 countries at the national level:

Argentina  Cyprus  Kazakhstan  Portugal 
Australia  Czech Republic (Czechia)

Korea (South)

Austria  Denmark  Lao People’s Democratic Republic (Laos) Russian Federation 
Bangladesh Egypt  Latvia  Saudi Arabia 
Belarus Estonia  Lithuania  Senegal 
Belgium  Finland  Luxembourg  Singapore 
Brazil  France  Malaysia 

Slovak Republic 

Brunei Darussalam  Germany  Malta  Slovenia 
Bulgaria  Greece  Mexico 

South Africa 


Hong Kong, China 

Morocco  Spain 
Cameroon Hungary  Myanmar Sweden 
Canada  Iceland  Netherlands  Switzerland 
Chile  India  New Zealand  Thailand 
China (People's Republic of)  Indonesia  Nigeria  Tunisia 
Chinese Taipei (Taiwan)  Ireland  Norway  Türkiye
Colombia  Israel  Pakistan  Ukraine 
Costa Rica  Italy  Peru  United Kingdom 
Cote d’Ivoire  Japan  Philippines  United States 
Croatia  Jordan  Poland  Viet nam 


First, you will need to access your IMPLAN account. Then, you will need to create a new Project, which you can do in one of two ways. From the IMPLAN Dashboard, click the plus icon to begin a new Project.

Alternatively, you could go to the project tab. From the project tile, click New Project in the top right of the screen.

A popup window will appear to create a new project. The Industry Set should be set to the 46 Industries for Data Year 2020, 2019, and 2018 (37 Industries for Data Year 2015). These Industry Sets are specifically for the International Product.

After the correct Industry Set is selected, name the project, then click Create Project.

After creating the Project, the Regions screen will appear in the Map View of the world. Select a Region by clicking on the map, using the Search Bar, or from the List View. 

Alternatively, you can also create a project starting from the Industry Aggregation Setting under User Preferences.


The most recent Industry Set contains the 46 Industries and their respective Commodities. The 46 International Industry Scheme includes 45 functional Industries, plus one added Industry - Taxes on Products Net of Subsidies (TOPS) that other Industries pay. This is necessary due to the data being in Basic Prices, which is slightly different from US-based models, which are in Producer Prices.


All Input-Output (I-O) tables come from Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and include distinct I-O (transactions) matrices for each country, as well as Industry Output, Industry Value-Added, and Final Demand for each Industry by each Institution. All monetary values in the data are represented in U.S. Dollars (USD), not a country's national currency. 

Beginning with the 2019 international data, most countries' employment data comes from the OECD Trade in Employment (TiM) database. The OECD TiM database contains the same sector detail as the OECD I-O data and is also the data source for IMPLAN’s Employee Compensation (EC) values, resulting in more consistent employment estimates.  

In cases where TiM data is unavailable (primarily countries newly included in the OECD I-O database), IMPLAN uses the same data sources and methods used in previous data sets of the International Product. In these cases, data come primarily from the International Labour Organization’s Modelled and Projected Estimates (ILO-EST) employment dataset, supplemented by the International Labour Organization’s Labour Force Survey (ILO-LFS) data and/or OECD Employee Compensation data, as necessary. These supplemental data sources have greater sectoral detail and are used to split the more aggregated ILO-EST employment data.  

For 2015 and 2018, the data source(s) and methods for employment estimates vary by country, with one of four ranked options employed for each county depending on which of the four options is available for each country. Data sources used in the 2015 and 2018 international data include the World Input-Output Database employment dataset, the International Labour Organization’s Modelled and Projected Estimates (ILO-EST) employment dataset, the International Labour Organization’s Labour Force Survey (ILO-LFS), and OECD Employee Compensation (EC) data. Please see the International Product release notes for each year for more details on the specific data sources and methods. 

Prior to the 2019 Data Year, we estimated national personal income taxes, corporate taxes, and contributions to social security insurance plans using rates. For most countries, we now use dollar values (in USD) from the OECD Global Revenue Statistics database. Using actual dollar values of collections is superior to applying rates to income values because there are typically ranges of rates depending on the income level of the individual taxpayer, and other factors depending on the type of tax, such that applying a single rate to an aggregate income value is only an approximation of the collections that occurred in a given year. 

In cases where data is unavailable from the OECD Global Revenue database, IMPLAN uses less-detailed tax data from the World Bank’s World Development Indicators (WDI) database or other data from national statistics agencies.    

A variety of sources were used for demographic data (land area, population, household counts) and inter-institutional transfer payments (savings, tax, etc.), depending on data availability for each country from each data source.


There are a few distinct differences between the data used in the U.S. Core Data and the International Product. The majority of these differences can be attributed to Industries in the International Product.

The main difference has to do with the accounting of Taxes on Products Net of Subsidies (TOPS), which in the Basic Prices framework are accounted for separately in the TOPS row rather than included in the payment to the producer (Intermediate Input supplier), who later remits those taxes to the government. For example, an Industry may purchase goods from a Wholesaler. Under the Producer Prices framework, sales taxes associated with the purchase of those Intermediate Inputs are paid directly to the Wholesale Industry, the sales taxes become part of the Wholesale Industry’s Value Added, and are then remitted to the government. In the Basic Prices framework, sales taxes are not accounted for in the payment to the Wholesale Industry, but instead are accounted for separately in the TOPS row. In this way, from a production perspective, Taxes on Products Net of Subsidies (TOPS) are not included in the producer’s Value Added. All TOPS are represented as a purchase from the TOPS Industry, in the paying Industry’s production function. Therefore, TOPS Industry is for accounting purposes only, not to be used to model impacts. 

While there are still four categories of Value Added (VA) in the International Product, there is a slight variation from the U.S. in how these are accounted for. First, International Industries have only total employment values (no break-out by type) and only one type of Labor Income (Employee Compensation). Second, in the OECD data Proprietor Income (PI) is combined with Other Property Income (OPI) to form Gross Operating Surplus (GOS). As there is no way to separate PI from GOS, it is not treated as part of Labor Income in the International Product and will not generate any induced effects. Third, the Other Taxes on Production net of Subsidies (OTXS) does not include any taxes on imports, as taxes on products are now accounted for under each Industry’s Intermediate Inputs spending. In the International Product, OTXS mainly consists of taxes on the ownership or use of land, buildings, or other assets (property taxes, business licenses).

Value Added Component Definition Difference to US
Employee Compensation (EC) Total payroll cost of the employee including wages and salaries, all benefits (e.g., health, retirement), and payroll taxes none
Gross Operating Surplus (GOS) Includes consumption of fixed capital (CFC), proprietors' income, corporate profits, and business current transfer payments (net) US reports Proprietor Income separately and is analyzed as part of Labor Income
Other Taxes on Production net of Subsidies (OTXS) Consist of all taxes except taxes on products that enterprises incur as a result of engaging in production. Such taxes do not include any taxes on the profits or other income received by the enterprise and are payable regardless of the profitability of the production. They may be payable on the land or other fixed assets  US reports OTXS and TOPS combined as Taxes on Production and Imports net of Subsidies (TOPI)

Unlike IMPLAN’s other products, the International Product does not include a unique Industry for retailers and wholesalers. In the 46 and 37 International Industry Sets, retailers and wholesalers are combined with a few other Industries like car washes and automotive repair. This Industry is called Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles. As retail and wholesale Industries are marginable Industries, unlike car washes which are not, special attention is required when modeling Events under this Industry. When creating an Impact for the non-marginable Industries that are classified under this Industry (like a car wash), we recommend that you set the Margin to ‘Producer Price’ in the Advanced Fields option. This will ensure that no Margins are erroneously applied to the Event value. 

Lastly, there are fewer Institutions available in the International Product as compared to the U.S.-based data. The I-O tables from OECD only contain two Household Institutions  – 'Households' and ‘Non-Profit Institutions Primarily Serving Households’ (NPISH). The OECD data do not separate households into multiple household income groups, so all households are included in a single Household Institution. The treatment of NPISH as a household does also occur in U.S.-based data, it is just that in the U.S. data the two are not reported separately (i.e., the NPISH account is combined with the household accounts). Additionally, there is only one government institution in the OECD data – Government Consumption Expenditures. All other institutions are the same as in the U.S.-based data (Capital, Inventory, Domestic Trade, and Foreign Trade).


Starting with the 2019 Data Year, the International Product now includes country-to-country trade data, thereby enabling Multi-Regional Input-Output (MRIO) Analysis. With new trading partner information from the OECD Inter-Country Input-Output (ICIO) Tables, it is now possible to track how an impact in one country affects the production of all industries in any other country. Due to this, the Multi-Regional Input-Output Analysis (MRIO) is not available for the International Product prior to 2019.


International 46 Industries, Conversions, & Bridges

International 37 Industries, Conversions, & Bridges

2019/2020 International Product Release Notes

2018 International Product Release Notes

2015 International Product Release Notes


Written August 30, 2023

Updated July 11, 2024