Non-Profit Institutions Serving Households (NPISH) Sector

*This definition only applies to the Canadian Data Set*

Provides goods and services for free or at prices that are not economically significant to households. They are often created by associations of persons to provide goods or, more often, services primarily for the benefit of the members themselves. The services are usually financed by regular membership subscriptions or dues. They include professional or learned societies, political parties, trades unions, consumers' associations, churches or religious societies, and social, cultural, recreational or sports clubs. They do not include bodies serving similar functions that are controlled by government units. Religious institutions are included even when mainly financed by government units if this majority financing is not seen as empowering control by government. (Source: Statistics Canada Glossary).

In the IMPLAN Canada Provincial Product, NPISH Sectors are denoted by ‘NP’ in the Industry description. Learn more in Canada Provincial Industry Scheme.