Gross Mixed Income

*This definition only applies to the Canadian Data Set*

For unincorporated enterprises, it may not be possible to estimate compensation of employees, consumption of fixed capital and a return to capital separately, in which case an estimate of mixed income, covering all these items, should be made. In practice, all unincorporated enterprises owned by households that are not quasi-corporations are deemed to have mixed income as their balancing item, except owner-occupiers in their capacity as producers of housing services for own final consumption, households leasing dwellings and households employing paid domestic staff. For owner-occupiers and those leasing dwellings, all value-added is operating surplus. For domestic staff all value-added is compensation of employees (unless any taxes or subsidies on production are payable or receivable on the output). (Source: Statistics Canada Glossary)

In the IMPLAN Canada Provincial Product, Gross Mixed Income reflects income to producers when the producer is unincorporated. Learn more in Components of Value Added and the TOPS Account.