IMPLAN is proud to announce that we have released 2017-2019 data for Canada! The Canadian data is broken down into the provinces and territories and the total for Canada. The provinces and territories are: 


  • Alberta (AB)
  • British Columbia (BC)
  • Manitoba (MB)
  • New Brunswick (NB)
  • Newfoundland & Labrador (NL)
  • Nova Scotia (NS)
  • Ontario (ON)
  • Prince Edward Island (PE)
  • Quebec (QC)
  • Saskatchewan (SK)


  • Northwest Territories (NT)
  • Nunavut (NU)
  • Yukon (YT)

Each are available for purchase individually, or as a part of the Canadian National Package.


The Industry Scheme for Canada contains the 235 Industries and their respective Commodities.

IMPLAN Canada 235 Industries and Commodities

1-27 Agriculture
28-36 Construction
37-118 Manufacturing
119-127 Wholesale
128-141 Retail
142-151 Transportation
152-223 Services
224-227 Education
228-229 Hospitals
230-234 Defence & Government
235 Taxes on Products net of Subsidies (TOPS)


There are a few distinct differences between the data in Canada and the US.

First, all monetary values in the data are represented in Canadian Dollars (CAD).

The Provincial Canadian Package has 235 industries, one of which serves to hold any positive values of Taxes on Products Net of Subsidies (TOPS) that the other industries pay. This is necessary due to the data being in Basic Prices, which is slightly different than it is handled in the US, which utilizes Producer Prices.  The main difference has to do with the accounting of taxes on products (including imports) net of subsidies. In the Basic Prices framework, these taxes are accounted for under the industry that pays those taxes (industry that purchased the commodity) as opposed to the industry that remits those taxes (industry that sold the commodity, which may be the producing industry or a wholesaler or retailer).  These taxes are not a part of the paying industry’s Value Added, but rather as part of its Intermediate Inputs, and therefore are represented as a purchase of the TOPS “industry” in the paying industry’s production function. Industry 235 should not be used and is considered for accounting purposes only.

While there are still four categories of Value Added (VA) in the Provincial Canadian Package, there is a slight variation from the US on taxes:

  • EC: Employee Compensation
  • GMI: Gross Mixed Income
  • GOS: Gross Operating Surplus
  • OTXS: Other Taxes on Production Net of Subsidies
    • Consists mainly of taxes on the ownership or use of land, buildings, or other assets (property taxes, business licenses).
    • Does not include the taxes on imports that are part of U.S.-based Taxes on Production and Imports Net of Subsidies (TOPI); those are included TOPS since imports are products.

There are two Government Institutions – ‘Government Consumption Expenditures’ and ‘Government Investment’. Institutions 11001 should be labeled “Government Consumption Expenditures” and 11002 should be labeled “Government Investment”. In Region Details and Tax Results, all government data appears under the Federal Government, leaving all State and Local categories blank.

There are two Household Institutions – ‘Households’ and ‘Non-Profit Institutions Primarily Serving Households’ (NPISH). The Statistics Canada data do not separate households into multiple household income groups, so all households are included in a single Households Institution.  The treatment of NPISH as a household also occurs in U.S.-based data; however, in the U.S. data the two are not reported separately (i.e., the NPISH account is combined with the household accounts).  

All other institutions are the same as in the U.S.-based data (Capital, Inventory, Domestic Trade, and Foreign Trade).


    • Other Taxes on Production Net of Subsidies (OTXS) is very similar to TOPI but excludes taxes on imports. OTXS is relevant to IMPLAN’s international data sets, which are priced using Basic Prices, in which taxes are classified by the paying entity as opposed to the remitting entity. In Basic Prices, the taxes on imports are included in TOPS.
    • Taxes on Products and Imports Net of Subsidies (TOPS) refers to the difference between taxes on products and subsidies on products (Statistics Canada). TOPS is relevant to IMPLAN’s international data sets, which are valued in Basic Prices, in which taxes are classified taxes by the paying entity as opposed to the remitting entity.
    • Non-Profit Institutions Primarily Serving Households (NPISH) (non-profit institutions primarily serving households) are private organizations with tax-exempt status that primarily provide services to households in one of the following categories: religious and welfare (including social services, grant-making foundations, political organizations, museums and libraries, and some civic and fraternal organizations); medical care; education and research; recreation (including cultural, athletic, and some civic and fraternal organizations); and personal business (including labor unions, legal aid, and professional associations).
      • In the U.S. National Income and Product Accounts (NIPAs), Personal Consumption Expenditure (PCE) figures include the purchases of goods and services by households and by NPISHs. The PCE figures also include the expenses incurred by NPISHs in providing services on behalf of households, such as hospital care and education, and the expenditures financed by third-party payers on behalf of households, such as employer-paid health insurance and medical care financed through government programs.
      • In international data sets, the NPISH expenditure values are reported separately from household PCE expenditure values. These two institutions are kept separate in IMPLAN’s international data sets.


The Statistics Canada I-O data includes information on inter-provincial trade, which allows us to enable multi-regional input-output (MRIO) capability with this release of Canadian data. This allows one to analyze the Indirect and Induced impacts in other provinces that may stem from a Direct impact in a given province. Please note that commuting is not a part of the MRIO capability for the Canadian models.


The vast majority of the raw data comes from Statistics Canada, including distinct I-O (transactions) matrices for each Province/Territory, as well as Output, Value Added, Employment by Industry, Final Demand for each Industry by each Institution, and demographic data (land area, population, household counts). U.S. data are used for margins and deflators, and a small number of other sources are used for inter-institutional transfer payment rates (savings rates, tax rates, etc.). However, all monetary values in the data are represented in Canadian dollars (CAD).


Combining Regions


Written October 19, 2022