Hello, we are going to evaluate the impacts of a CDFI. I believe we have a good approach, but wanted to 1) make sure we are correct and 2) ask a few questions. Here is an example and our approach:
Let's say our CDFI made one loan in 2020 for $10,000,000 to fund new building construction of a doctor's office (code 50) and one loan in 2022 to a motor vehicle retail company (industry 402) for $500,000. We want to evaluate the overall impact our CDFI in a specific state.
So, we need to look at each project that the loan was made, understand as much as about the loan recipient as possible, run the impacts for all projects in the dollar year that the loan was made, then combine years and projects for an overall impact.
For the 2022 loan, we would run an industry impact analysis (detailed) to determine the impact of the retail company.. Questions:
- Ideally, I believe we want to know as much as possible, eg employment, compensation, income, inputs etc.
- What if we dont know much, if anything, about the company, other than the loan amount? use a capital investment spending pattern?
- Either way, is there anything additional we should be analyzing?
For the 2020 loan:
- Technically, there are two impacts to evaluate:
- First, the impacts of the construction, which we would run as an industry output event, and/or if machinery, tech, and FFE need to be analyzed, then would need to run an investment spending pattern
- Second, we would analyze the doctor's office operations that moved into the new building. So, we would then run an industry impact (detailed), just like the 2022 loan.
- Lets say the construction occurred in 2020, but was not completed until Dec 31st 2021, and the doctors office did not start operations until July 1 2022.
- For construction over multiple years, follow these directions: https://support.implan.com/hc/en-us/articles/360040512733-Construction-Building-Across-Years
- For only 6 months of doctor office operation. run the (detailed) analysis and divide by half??
Thank you very much!!