I am estimating the impact of a national golf tournement in our region. I have good information for estimating vistor spending. My question regards how to measure the impact of the event itself. Event planners estimate it will cost about $10 million to \"produce the event\". Can I use the $10 million in the professional sports category since I have no details about how this is spent?
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  • The professional sports category is for football, baseball etc. You would be better served to try to get more information about the expenditures. My guess is that the spending would be quite different from the professional sports category. You can also do a search for other studies to see how they handled it.
  • The professional sports category is for football, baseball etc. You would be better served to try to get more information about the expenditures. My guess is that the spending would be quite different from the professional sports category. You can also do a search for other studies to see how they handled it.

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