Wildlife Refuge Impact
We have been asked if we can estimate the economic impact of visitor spending related to a wildlife refuge in rural Idaho. The problem is that the only piece of data they are able to provide is that the refuge averages 640,000 visits annually. They have no data on in vs. out of region visitors, spending behavior, etc. To your knowledge, are there any rules of thumb that the forest service or any other agencies use in an instance like this?
I know this is a stretch and Im more than happy to tell them nothing can/should be done but I thought Id check with you guys first.
Matt Kinghorn
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The Forest Service has spending patterns by visitors, but they make a distinction between, day use, night use, local v. spending. I suspect the have a breakout of their visiting experience if you are willing to use the same breakouts. I suggest you try Google or contact Susan Winter at swinter @ fs.fed.us to see if they have the ratios by type of visitor per visitor.0
The Forest Service has spending patterns by visitors, but they make a distinction between, day use, night use, local v. spending. I suspect the have a breakout of their visiting experience if you are willing to use the same breakouts. I suggest you try Google or contact Susan Winter at swinter @ fs.fed.us to see if they have the ratios by type of visitor per visitor.0
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