we are trying to estimate how may jobs will be created for a specific industry. at this point we have been using the the direct employment number provided by the multiplier report, dividing it by $1,000,000 and then multipling the result by the project cost. Is this a defensible method and are their any assumptions that should be noted or discrepancies using the direct emploment number?
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  • The direct employment is Jobs per million dollars of output. You are doing it correctly. You can also just use the Implan software to do this. Create an event, pick the sector, enter your dollar value and the direct employment will show on the impact report.
  • The direct employment is Jobs per million dollars of output. You are doing it correctly. You can also just use the Implan software to do this. Create an event, pick the sector, enter your dollar value and the direct employment will show on the impact report.

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