Commodity's share in production

Hi, I want to know how important is water (drinking and industrial use including irrigation) in terms of production input in a county. Is there any way I can pull the water use data for different sectors?
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  • Create a commodity balance sheet for the water commodity (under expore>social accounts)
  • Should have mentioned, Ag's irrigation water is not delivered by a private or public water system, usually they draw from a well or river. This would only show up as power usage (for farmers pumps) in the production function.
  • Hi Doug, As you suggested, I looked at the commodity demand under industry balance sheet. Breakdown of total commodity demand does not make much sense to me . Why does RPC in most cases very low? I was hoping almost all water is coming from local city supply system. May be I am not understanding to read these numbers.
  • The RPC for a commodity balance sheet should be the same for all industries purchasing water. You may be looking at the industry balance. The money spent on water per dollar outlay will be extremely low for nearly all industries. For an explanation of the balance sheets, see this link from the knowledge base: [url=]link[/url].

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