Maps of Zip-codes
I want to make sure that the zip-code areas that are covered in IMPLAN are the Bureau of Census Zip-Code Tabulation Areas (ZCTA). I can find a census site that displays the physical location of each of the ZCTAs but I cannot seem to find an IMPLAN map that shows the physical location of zip-codes for each state or county.
From the census:
I also found one thread from this forum that seems to confirm that you use the ZCTA:
"Our raw data usually are collected and reported according to ZCTAs, which generally map 1:1, but not always perfectly, with USPS zip codes. Sometimes, though, the data are reported by a zip code that might be for a particular..."
Can you confirm that if I build a contiguous section of zip-codes using the ZCTA in Gila and Penal Counties in Arizona it will be the same physical area in IMPLAN?
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IMPLAN SupportHi Donovan! The zip code data for households, population, and land area are collected and tabulated according to Census ZCTAs (zip code tabulation areas). The employment by industry data (cbp/zbp) are tabulated according to postal service zip codes. They’re meant to coincide, so we treat them interchangeably, but there can be some divergence. In regards to situations where a zip code crosses county lines: We generally tend to follow the zcta-county relationship file here, and primarily rely on the distribution of population: In regards to a map: In order to determine a larger consensus, we do utilize a few sources when questions of zip code geography arise; however, only one is an actual map (the first link below).!input.action0
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