JAPAN - Employment / Income data questions
Hi, I am currently conducting Economic Impact studies for Japan so I am using the latest (2011) Input-Output data from IMPLAN.
I have TWO questions:
1. Where do you get your 2011 Employment data for Japan? (broken down by sectors)
2. Do you have 2009 Total Personal Income data? (Or, can you get it somehow from 2011 Total Personal Income data, which I currently have access to?)
If you could let me know, that'd be great.
Thank you.
Eric Kim
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IMPLAN SupportHello Kim, (1) The employment data for the 2011 Japanese model come from OECD and are originally in the Rev. 4 sectoring detail. This data is disaggregated using sectoral Employee Compensation from the OECD Japanese SAM data on Value Added. a. The employment data can be found here: (http://stats.oecd.org/Index.aspx?DataSetCode=SNA_TABLE3) b. The I/O tables can be found here (http://www.oecd.org/trade/input-outputtables.htm) under the Variable ‘Total.’ (2) Unfortunately, we do not currently have 2009 Total Personal Income data for Japan. I’m not sure exactly what you need in these terms, but I can suggest a couple of ways you might get this type of data. a. In the OECD published I/O table for Japan for 2009 (from the link above), if you select the Variable ‘VAL: Value Added’ there is a line for Labor Compensation by industry. This includes Wage and Salary workers as well as Proprietors and is total gross income for workers. [Note: This number is NOT net of savings, investment, taxes, or supplemental income.] b. There is also National Accounts data that summarize income here (http://stats.oecd.org/Index.aspx?DataSetCode=SNA_TABLE1). This table does not specify income by industry though. c. To address the estimation of 2009 Total Personal Income from estimates of 2011 Total Personal Income, this could be done a variety of different ways using a variety of different data. I hesitate to offer any particular solutions without knowing what you’d like to do with the data. Methodology would depend on the use case, in my opinion. Regards, IMPLAN Staff0
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