Problem with Arms and Ammunition Data for 2016 Release

We have found a problem in the output data for sectors 257 and 259.  The BEA has reported a 27 percent increase in arms and ammunition output between 2014 and 2016.


Output in the IMPLAN data for sectors 257 and 259 which should be everything except like bombs and mortars went from $11,8 billion in 2014 to just $11 billion in 2016.  There seems to be some sort of error here.

Can someone help me to understand this?

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  • Hi John,

    Regarding the variance:
    · Output data from the BEA for the sectors of interest come in a more aggregated form that includes the noted IMPLAN sectors of 257 and 259 but also sector 258.
    · However, we use the Census Bureau's Annual Survey of Manufactures (ASM) for national output values for every manufacturing sector but petroleum refining.
    · As both the BEA and the ASM define output as reflecting the value of production, the variance between the two sources suggests a methodological difference in calculation.

    Additional notes regarding output data:
    · The source data is lagged a year. We project based on growth in employment and/or income.
    · Though it's not the case here, raw data providers sometimes revise their numbers after we've used their earlier release.

    Additional reading:


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