Per Capital Payouts Impact

I need create a model that will allow me to see what the impacts on the State OK with the following data: 1. 12,000 Tribal Members receive annual per capita payments from Tribal gaming revenue and from BIA lease royalties. 2. Gaming Payout is 7.9M and Oil and Gas Lease payout is 1.6M How do I create a model that will show me the impact? I don't know what industry to use, etc. Can you suggest a similar case study or tell how to go about doing this? ;)
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  • The money represents household income to the payees. You need to spend it for them. See tutorial 4b (under \"Downloads\") for instructions.
  • I reviewed tutorial 4b and started building the model - since Idon't know exactly which household income to use (10001 - 10009). I am assuming there is a mix of income levels amongst the Tribal members who are receiving the payments. Any suggestions on how to create the event to reflect a combination of household income?
  • I would use the average household income for all of it. You can get fancy and try to find the distribution of household for the region (see the \"general information\" report under \"reports/study area\").

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