Average employee compensation in industry

Hi, If you want to include figures on average compensation in an industry as part of the context for analysis, what's the best source of this information? I've looked at two things and they yield very different answers. For example, (using California state totals), 1. Study area report for Output, VA, and Employment. Compute average employee compensation by dividing total employment and employment compensation. Industry sector 335 shows $24,983. (164,567 / 6,587) 2. Or, I click on "Edit Data" in the model dialogue box (region data, study area). Select industry sector 335 and several figures populate the boxes to the left. The box in the center says "Per Worker Earnings $55,918" (as well as "Per Worker Output - $147,505"). Why are the two earnings figures so different? Or do they mean really different things? Also, I had understood that the "employee compensation" figures were essentially total compensation (wages, salaries, etc. plus contributions to social insurance programs). Is the "per worker earnings" in the "edit data" approach described in #3 really "earnings" as it says, or is it "employee compensation."? thanks.
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  • "Earnings per worker" includes both proprietor income and employment compensation. This is necessary because employment includes both wage and salary workers and self-employed.
  • "Earnings per worker" includes both proprietor income and employment compensation. This is necessary because employment includes both wage and salary workers and self-employed.

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