Ag and Forestry services

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  • I can talk for hours about most anything, but a hint of a question would be helpful. :)
  • Sorry... I had a question, posted it, answered it myself, deleted it, but didn't get rid of the subject. I'm glad it's still here though because I have another A&F services question. I have several models that cover the country and Other Property Type Income is negative for the A&F Services sector in all of them. I'm using 2007 data. What is the interpretation of nationwide negative OPTI?
  • Negative other property income means loss of corporate income. National data always comes up negative for this sector. The only thing I can think of is corporate subsidy on crop research.
  • Negative other property income means loss of corporate income. National data always comes up negative for this sector. The only thing I can think of is corporate subsidy on crop research.

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