scaling results
THe IMPLAN model is a linear I-O model, thus, am I correct in assuming that $500 in spending on a project will yield exactly twice the impacts as spending $250 million on a project (assumign the same spending patterns)? I am wondering because I want to scale my results to represent different spending levels.
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For information on how to scale Groups and Events in IMPLAN, check out the article on Scaling!
That is exactly right. You can also use the Scenario Level feature in the Analyze Scenario screens and the software will do the multiplication for you.0
One last question - I manually entered the number of jobs that would be created under the different alternatives. This number was then reduced by the RPC in the final model results. However, all of the jobs will be created in the study area - do the results show the percentage of jobs that would be filled by local residents?0
If you are setting LPP to something less than 100% in your impact setup, that would do it. If that's not the case, could you please describe your impact set-up? Thanks.0
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