IxI SAMs do not appear to be square
I'm trying to use the IxI SAM for several years of IMPLAN data. I have exported them to Excel in order to aggregate certain things and the exported matrices have some structures that I do not understand. For instance, they do not appear to be square. The farthest left column is labeled "receipts" and is counted as 01, 02, etc. However, 05 and 09 are used twice in the rows and only once in the columns. Further, the description seem to have some discrepancies. "10 Mining" is labled under the rows twice, as receipts 2 and as one of the 5's. And "90 Gov't and Non NAICS" is used as the description for both receipts numbered 10 and as one of the two 9's in use.
Though the labels are used more than once, the cells do not appear to be repeated, providing the extra 2 rows making the entire SAM 35x37.
I do not understand what's going on here and need some help sorting it out.
Thanks for your time.
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IMPLAN SupportHello Drew, We use Access queries to create the tables. When the entire row/column is null fields (0's) the row/column will not be displayed. I will guess you are modeling a small region. If an industry does not exist, there will still be demand for the products of that industry (column down at the trade...imports... row), but there will be no producer (row). If this doesn't answer the question, we will need to know the data file being modeled and year of data.0
Thank you, but it seems I'm having the opposite problem. The rows exist, but the columns do not. I can understand the problem you suggest might be occuring, but how do I insert the null fields in the proper place to make the SAM square (as it should be) in order to use it in matrix algrebra calculations? Further, why are the descriptions repeated in row, but not in column. How is this to be interpreted? Which "Mining" description is correct, which "non-NAICS" sector, etc? I am modeling the state of Louisiana as a whole (not by parish/county). For the years 1996 and 1999. And I am looking at the IxI SAM's.0
I guess I should be more clear about what I don't understand. If there exists a row without a corresponding column, that would imply that the industry has local demand for that product and payments go into that industry. However (due to the lack of a corresponding column), that industry does not redistribute that money to its factors of production, nor do they purchase any intermediate goods withing the local economy, nor do they make any payments to gov't or other institutions. I don't understand how the system can be closed if this is the case. I hope that's a little more insightful about my confusion. Thanks again.0
IMPLAN SupportHello, It looks like when we generated the structural matrices for these data sets, some of the information regarding the sectoring scheme did not transfer correctly. We apologize for this issue. We are currently working on a fix and will post a download link when it is completed.0
Thanks very much. I appreciate your work. Hope all is well. Kind Regards, Drew Varnado0
IMPLAN SupportPlease download the updated matrices from the link below. http://implan.com/V4/index.php?option=com_docman&task=doc_download&gid=234&Itemid=7 Let us know if this fixes the issue.0
Thanks, This fixes the issue for the 1996 IxI SAM, but I also need the 1999 IxI SAM. I am uploading the output file from the 99 data in case that helps. Thanks for the help. D Varnado [attachment=373]1999IxISAM.xls[/attachment]0
Further, the 96 and 99 IxC Input Output Accounts have the same error. I'd also like corrected versions of these please. Thanks.0
IMPLAN SupportWe have fixed these files as well. You may download them at the links below. 1996: http://implan.com/V4/index.php?option=com_docman&task=doc_download&gid=234&Itemid=60 1999: http://implan.com/V4/index.php?option=com_docman&task=doc_download&gid=237&Itemid=60 Let us know if you are still having issues after deleting the old matrices and replacing with the new.0
I'm really sorry, but I just don't know how Access works. I only need 2 matrices to complete my data collection and I just can't seem to make access create them. Could you please post corrected, Excel versions of the 1999 and 1996 IxC Input/Output accounts under the tab social account. Sorry for the hassle, and I appreciate the help.0
IMPLAN SupportHi Drew- Sorry, this does not require the use of Access. The downloaded files need to be copied onto your appliance to overwrite the existing 96 and 99 structural matrices (appliance:/Implan System Data). If your windows explorer doesn’t show this directory, have it display “hidden” folders. Once you have copied the files over, create the IxI Sams using the software as before.0
Ok, so I copied the 96 Access file you sent into the 1996 IMPLAN structural matrices folder (I replaced the 96NAT528.ims file) and reran the data through the IMPLAN software. However, this hasn't fixed the problem. The matrix still is not square, the descriptions are still repeated in the rows but not in the columns, and some of the numbered descriptions are also designated twice (but only in rows). Have I copied the file to the incorrect place? Should the access file replace the entire "structural matrices" folder? Or should it replace one of the other two files in that folder (setup.lst or install which seems unlikely)?0
I replaced the entire "structural matrices" folder with the access file you uploaded and that didn't fix the problem either.0
I guess I should mention that the appliance does not have a "IMPLAN System" folder of any variety.0
IMPLAN SupportYou will need to create a new model once the structural matrices have been copied. Existing models will still be incorporating the old structural matrix information.0
I have done that. I have created a new model each time. Is there any way you could call me to discuss this? My office phone number is 225-578-2595. Thanks0
I am sorry, this was a mistake on our end. The new structural matrices were loaded up as individual files in the download directory. On the website, in the initial download window, rather than go to V3 Updates, scroll down to the bottom of the page were it lists more window pages. Go to page 3 to find the 96 and 99 structural matrix. I apologize for trying your patience on this. Thank you.0
IMPLAN SupportI am sorry, this was a mistake on our end. The new structural matrices were loaded up as individual files in the download directory. On the website, in the initial download window, rather than go to V3 Updates, scroll down to the bottom of the page were it lists more window pages. Go to page 3 to find the 96 and 99 structural matrix. I apologize for trying your patience on this. Thank you.0
The files are the same as the ones posted previously. I do not believe the files are the issue. I do not understand the process of how to replace the existing structural matrices with the access file. It says on this thread, and on the page mentioned here that I should install this in the folder names "IMPLAN system data." This folder does not exist on my appliance. I do not understand what to do with the Access file now that I have it. I have tried replacing the .ims file in the "IMPLAN structural matrices" folder with the Access file and then running a fresh model; same results as before. I have also tried replacing the entire "IMPLAN structural matrices" folder with the Access file and running a fresh model; same results as before. I find it weird that the deletion of the entire folder IMPLAN data > 1996 > IMPLAN structural matrices from the appliance does not change the output of the model when I run it. It makes me think the software is getting its information about structural matrices from somewhere else (and the somewhere is where I need to insert this Access file), but I have no idea where that might be. I have looked throughout the appliance, the data folders, the structural matrices folder, and anywhere else I can think to look to no avail. I hope this makes more clear the issue I am having, please feel free to call me to clear this whole thing up. My number is above. Thanks, Drew Varnado0
IMPLAN SupportVersion 2 structural matrices are .ims files. The files you are downloading from the third page of the V3 download page are zip versions of the ImplanStructuralMatrices1999.mdb and ImplanStructuralMatrices1996.mdb. When you copy these .mdb files into the IMPLAN System Files directory you are replacing the old structural matrices. (if you don’t unzip the files first, the software can’t see them). The Implan software uses Access to hold its data for both the structural matrices data and the model which uses the data contained in the structural matrices. I have downloaded the matrices from the website and tested them. They are the correct versions. You will know it when your IxI matrix has “Transportation” separate from “Communications and Public Utilities” Sectors.0
The 1996 matrices are fixed and wonderful! Thanks. I've figured out how this thing works, but when I replaced the 1999 structural matrices the model encounters the following error. I feel maybe I screwed up something trying to figure out where to put the Access file. Here's the error: "The Microsoft Jet database engine cannot find the input table or query 'TypeCodesAll'. Make sure it exists and that its name is spelled correctly." Got a suggestion on what I can do to make that right? Thanks for your help with this. Sorry for trying your patience.0
IMPLAN SupportThat is not a good thing, means there is a table missing. I will have to replace it. You can replace it yourself if you know Access. Copy and paste the missing "TypeCodesAll" table from the 1996 mdb file to the 1999 mdb file.0
Copied and pasted the 96 TypeCodesAll file into the 99 Access file and it worked. Thanks for your help. All set now. I really do appreciate it.0
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