Estimating plant closure impact using jobs lost
I am trying to estimate the potential impact of a plant closure (sector 53 frozen food manufacturing) but currently only data on the the number of employees. Is there a way I can estimate the impact with just this data?
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Absolutely! All you need to set up an impact is one of the following: Employment, Sales, or Labor Income. When you enter your Employment value into the Event, IMPLAN will fill in the rest of the fields based on the ratios (Output per worker, Labor Income per worker, etc.) specific to that industry and your region. Note however, that since you are modeling the closing down of a particular plant (as opposed to the entire industry), those employees are all wage and salary workers (i.e., not proprietors), so you will want to zero-out the Proprietor Income value that IMPLAN puts into the Event.0
Thanks! I've only done an analysis before using sales numbers. So when I set up the activity, which option do I choose?0
Industry Change.0
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