I'm preparing an impact analysis of a program with data going back to 1991. However, pre-1997 impacts show output & GDP deflators of 0, making those years unusable. I could just roll those up as a total pre-1997 impact using the 1997 deflator but am wondering if you have any suggestions. Thanks
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  • Hi Alex, Which sector (industry) are you looking for a 1991 deflator for? We may be able to get it for you. Thanks, IMPLAN Staff
  • I'm looking for deflators for 1990-1996 for: MF Construction Costs 60 Real Estate 440 Architects 449 Local Gov 526 Acq. Costs 447 Infrastructure 58 Business Support 465
  • Hi Alex, Our response is more detailed than expected so we will be following up via email. Please look out for our response. Thank you, IMPLAN Staff

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