I am part of a research team working on a project evaluating the economic impact of the installation of a microgrid in Bernalillo County, New Mexico. We are having trouble understanding exactly how we should input project costs so that they are interpreted correctly by IMPLAN.
The microgrid has several component costs which we have categorized as follows:
storage battery capital cost -> storage battery manufacturing (333)
PV capital cost -> construction of new power and communication structures (52)
electrical components cost -> Other electronic component manufacturing (310)
control components cost -> Data processing, hosting, and related services (436)
generator capital cost -> Turbine and turbine generator set units manufacturing (281)
All costs mentioned include equipment and labor cost.
The issue that we are running into is that industries 333 and 281 don't exist in our study area (Bernalillo County). Although we are currently attributing all costs of the "PV capacity cost" to industry 52, a similar issue exists in that industry because PV manufacturing doesn't exist in the region. We don't expect this project to result in the creation of any of these industries in the county, but want to acknowledge that some of the costs will happen in-state.
In order not to overestimate impacts, the approach we are taking now is to parse out the labor component of the "battery storage cost" and “generator capital cost” and input that as employee compensation in industry 52. We have very little detail on cost breakdowns, only an estimate of the percent of cost that is attributed to labor. Because we do not believe these industries will be created due to this project, our understanding is that it would not be correct to customize the region/create the new industry in this case.
Would you be able to provide any recommendation for how we should proceed when this type of issue is present in order to ensure credible results?
Thank you in advance!