Modeling Casino Operations

I am attempting to model the economic impact of casino operations.

Considering the diverse components of a casino, such as the gambling, restaurants, retail shops, golf courses, and/or hotel accommodations, I am unsure whether to model these components separately with distinct industry codes and specific revenue and employment figures or if I should use the aggregated spending patterns associated with Industry Code 503 - Gambling industries (except casino hotels) and, when a casino includes hotel facilities, Industry Code 507 - Hotels and motels, including casino hotels.

Could you advise on the best approach to represent these operations in the model accurately?

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  • Official comment

    Hello Miriam,


    When a casino operates a few businesses under one roof, it is best to model the operations of each entity separately. The casino’s business may match multiple IMPLAN Industries and should be distributed appropriately. Each IMPLAN Industry has a different production function because each operates differently, so splitting out the operations of each entity will increase the accuracy of the model. 


    It is also worth noting that some entities within the hotel may actually operate as separate businesses. For example, a casino may contain a chain restaurant that would not be included in the Output for the casino.


    For additional best practices and considerations for modeling casino operations, read the support article Casinos: Acing the Impact.


    Hope this helps! Please feel free to respond with any additional questions that you may have.



    Deminique Heiks

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