Coal (Sector 22) - Oklahoma in 2016

The study area data for the coal sector in Oklahoma is unusual in the 2016 dataset. In particular, proprietor income is $339,596,256 compared to $861,838 (in 2015). Furthermore, the US total for proprietor income (in 2016) is $279,013,888 - so well below the report income in OK. Any insight on what is going on here?



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  • Official comment


    To start with the 2015 to 2016 increase in OK state PI for sector 22: We rely on the BEA Regional Economic Accounts (REA) for proprietor employment and proprietor income data. REA data show a significant increase in OK state proprietor income for mining sectors.

    2014 REA PI


    2015 REA PI


    Turning to the US PI for sector 22 being less than the OK state PI for sector 22: proprietor income can be negative (and it is in some states such as Virginia and Kentucky). As the US proprietor income value for a sector is equivalent to the sum of all state proprietor income values for the sector, the result of the US PI for sector 22 as less than the sector 22 PI for OK state is due to the negative PI for sector 22 in other states.

    Thank you,
    IMPLAN Staff

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