I believe there may be a problem with the 2016 occupational matrices ratios tables. I am working on veterinarians specifically. According to the employment ratios, the industry with the second highest proportion of vets is 460 (market research & misc prof sci & tech). That doesn't make much sense (especially since the ratio is 0.092627) In fact, the top 5 occupations for vet services (459) and 460 are the same. Looking at the BLS occ-emp matrix and OES emp & wage data it seems like there should be very little, if any, overlap.
Utilizing the ratios on study area data the overall ratios of vets employed in vet services compared to total vets come out all wrong (much smaller percentage, likely because total is inflated by spurious vets in 460).
I just purchased the dataset for a project that is way overdue. If you can fix this and send new files fast that would be greatly appreciated.
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