Implan hotels sector is 499, which covers codes 72111 and 72112, I think. BLS website reports New York County employment in 72111 of 44,078, and employment in 72112 is quite small. Implan reports 36,404. Is there a reason for the difference?
Employment in Manhattan Hotels in Implan is less than BLS in 2016?
Official comment
Thanks for reaching out!
Usually, when an IMPLAN employment figure that is less than some other public data source, one of the first things you'll want to consider is redefinitions, especially for the hotel sectors, whose restaurant and casino activity are redefined elsewhere. Redefinitions are mentioned in question 2 here:
They are also defined here:
It may also be helpful to explore some of the other forum discussions on this topic:
If you'd like a spreadsheet with the redefinition ratios, we can provide that as well.Please let me know if you have any additional questions!
Thank you!
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