I am working to develop an impact analysis for a mixed use development that incorporates an affordable housing component. To achieve the necessary efficiencies to be able to build the structures in a cost effective way to allow for lower rents the developer is proposing to use an off-site building process, using a vendor in another state. Once the major components of the homes are complete the will be shipped to the site and pieced together, similiar to a modular deisgned home. I am wondering how I can evaluate the construction impact if some of the activies are taking place off site. 

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1 comment

  • Hi Josh,

    If the construction of the major components of the homes takes place outside of the Region for which you are conducting your analysis, then you should identify the spending specifically going towards the piecing together of the home within the Region of study. 

    I suggest analyzing the total cost (including labor) of putting the home together on site as Output using the Maintenance and repair construction of residential structures industry.

    Thank you,



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