Good afternoon,

I was wondering where the data for the environmental component of IMPLAN was sourced.  I work in the utility business in Chattanooga, TN and the data indicates that industry 527 - Federal Electric Utilities make up 18.8 M kg in GG for the Hamilton County TN region. This seems high. The Tennessee Valley Authority's (TVA) operation center is located in the county as well as nuclear and hydroelectric plants. TVA has operations across the state and neighboring states. I wanted to ensure this metric was correct before citing it.



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  • Official comment

    Good afternoon William!

    IMPLAN’s environmental data consist of Industry-specific coefficients of physical emissions or resource use per dollar of Industry Output. IMPLAN get's these ratios from the EPA’s Environmentally-Extended Input-Output model. IMPLAN’s environmental data consist of ratios representing physical emissions or inputs per dollar of Industry Output, with the physical unit depending on the particular pollutant or input under consideration. While they are Industry-specific, these ratios are not regionally specific. Read more about our environmental data in this article from our support site!

    Hope this helps!

    Michael Nealy

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