Greeting! may I ask you why the sum of counties is less than that of state for California. And The U.S. Census says there are 58 counties in California, but in INPLAN we only get 38 county files, why is the amount of counties in California less than that actually included in California? Thank you!
County vs. State in CA
Official comment
Hi there! I am not sure what data you are looking at, but IMPLAN does have the full 58 counties in the state of California. Can you let us know where you are only seeing 38?
Thank you so much for your time and help. I am sorry I did not get access to the full data before. However, when I summed all of the data of the counties, and compared it with state level data, they are still discrepancy. For some values, county totals are greater than state totals, for other values, county totals are less than state totals. Also, for SAMs, the number of rows in Counties totals is not equal to that in state totals.
May I ask you if you have any thoughts about how to fix this problem?
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This is perplexing. Can you tell me what values aren't adding up from the county to the state level? You might not have the same number of rows between county and state if there is a null value in one of the lines in the SAM for a specific county.
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I already have state-level data of CA, and then I aggregated county-level data to state to compare two data, they did not match up. For example, When I checked the data of transfer in CA, (1)the value of hh15/srpl/inv of the state level data I already have is 37.401, less than 37.4115 aggregated by counties. (2)The value of hh1000/srpl/inv is 12.0176 for already existing data, greater than 11.4886 aggregated by Counties. (3)there is no row of inv/srpl/fdf, inv/srpl/fdf in aggregated data, while there is no row of inv/srpl/fin in existing data.
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Happy to help you dig into this further. Can you tell me exactly what data year you are comparing? Also, it sounds like you are looking at the state of CA compared to a combined region of all 58 counties in CA? What table are you examining?
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The data year is 2010. Yes, I compared the data between the state level and combined region of 58 counties. I examed the SAMs table. Thank you so much!
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I just pulled the CA total and the combined region of the 58 counties in CA. Looking at the totals from the SAM, the differences are only 0.000001% at most which we can attribute to rounding error. Is there something specific you are seeing?
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Yes. For transfer in CA, the rows are not equal, and the values related to invest are very different. you can find my detailed explanation from my yesterday's comments.
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I'm not finding the values you report anywhere. Can you tell me specifically which table and then which column and row?
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I'm sorry I didn't make it clear. Thank you so much for your patience. I used .gams files of detailed SAMs data of CA. May ask you what the values where the row is Surplus or Deficit(15011) of capital(14001), and the column is Federal Government Nondefense(11001) of the state level data and the combined region data in CA are? Also, could you find the value where the row is the Surplus or Deficit(15011) of houldholds150k+ (10009), and the column is capital(14001) in both data from two different sources?
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Ah OK. I think I am following you now. Are you using 2010 IMPLAN Pro data? Do you know what Industry Scheme you are working in (440, 536, 546)? Are you working under someone else's login? If you are using IMPLAN Pro, this is a lot harder to diagnose. GAMS makes it even more difficult.
With that being said, all of the IMPLAN data should roll up from the counties to the state. Once you export to the GAMS file, it's beyond our control. We didn't write the code for that nor do we support it. I would suggest checking the data in IMPLAN Pro for consistency before exporting it to GAMS to see where the issue lies. If you know what you need exported, we might be able to dig out the old data for you, but there aren't any guarantees. You can email if you would like to chat with someone about the possibility of this and what the associated cost would be.
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Thank you so much for your suggestion. I also checked my.implb files, the results are similar with .gams files. May I ask you if you could check the values in transfer where the row is Surplus or Deficit(15011) of capital(14001), and the column is Federal Government Nondefense(11001) of the state level data and the combined region data in CA? Also, could you find the value where the row is the Surplus or Deficit(15011) of houldholds150k+ (10009), and the column is capital(14001) in both data from two different sources? I thought as my findings,the data were not the same.
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Can you answer a few questions please? Are you using 2010 IMPLAN Pro data? Do you know what Industry Scheme you are working in (440, 536, 546)? Are you working under someone else's login? If you are using IMPLAN Pro, this is a lot harder to diagnose as we do not support that platform any longer.
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