We are evaluating a construction project that includes a mix of single-family and multi-family residential, commercial, and school buildings. The IMPLAN construction categories and straightforward to match to these construction buildings. The construction budget includes a separate category called "backbone infrastructure". It's described as follows:
The “backbone” infrastructure estimate is inclusive of rough grading, including cut and fill cubic yards, construction of the Public Park, Public Collector Roads, sidewalks, curb/gutter, pavement, pavement striping and the installation of sewer main, storm drain main, potable water, gas, joint trench and electrical infrastructure to support the build out of Dana Reserve. The utility infrastructure will also include the installation of a dry recycled water main for when NCSD is able to provide recycled water to the Tract’s southern boundary. The estimate also accounts for providing utility stubs for future connection as each neighborhood is developed.
Would these backbone infrastructure costs be included in Category 56 - Construction of other new nonresidential structures. Or should these costs be included in the primary construction categories: 53-Construction of new educational and vocational structures, 55-Construction of new commercial structures, 57-58-SF and MF residential structures?