Negative Excise Tax and Custom Duty results

I did an industry output analysis for the 407 industry specification and got a result that gave negative values for excise taxes and custom duties for 2020. I've done analyses for various industries and never seen that before.

Any ideas one why that it?  Thanks.

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  • Official comment

    Hello Paul!

    When working with the 2020 Data Year in IMPLAN, this is a common question that we get. Due to the state of the national economy during 2020, and the government funded assistance programs/stimulus given out in response, as well as how IMPLAN handles these stimulus payments, tax Results for this Data Year can return seemingly odd values. More detailed information on this data nuance can be found in our support article - Taxes: How the Pandemic Ruined My Tax Results.

    Hope this helps!

    Michael Nealy

  • Thank you. Big help.


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