Chamber of commerce economic impact

We are trying to analyze economic impact of a chamber of commerce of a city.

I will be running the operating activity event.

The various events they host and the spending by the attendees in the region.

Can i analyze any of data based on there members?




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  • Official comment

    Hello Sam!

    I do not know which data you have on the members, so I cannot say for sure what the best way to model that information would be. However, for the events/visitor spending, we have a few helpful support articles for measuring the impacts of these: Tourism Spending, Surveying for Input-Output



    Michael Nealy

  • Thank you Michael Nealy. I dont have much data but the total number of members and their estimated sales data. Did you come across any studies estimating the economic impact of chamber of commerce to the city?



  • Sam,

    I looked through some of IMPLAN's internal channels, and was unable to find such a study. Chambers of commerce (NAICS code 813910) would fall under IMPLAN Industry 523 - business and professional associations, but this would be capturing only the operations of the chamber and not the sales by the individual members themselves. The sales would be captured in the operations for the Industry in which they operate, however, that would not be attributable to the COM. To impact that sector 523, you will need some sort of operational value (Intermediate Input Spending, Employment, Wages, Output, etc.). Membership dues would be counted as Output for this Industry 523, so if you can derive that value based on the total number of members then you can run it as an Industry Output Event. 

    Hope this helps!

    Michael Nealy

  • Thank you very much Michael Nealy. I sincerely appreciate your input.



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