Feifei Zhang
Now I think about even within a county, if one of the campus of this university weren't here, there are still other universities there for those students to attend. Can we say the students spending...
Thank you. I have a further question regarding this study. When estimating the economic contribution from student spending, for the specific county the campus is located, we could say the spending ...
Thank you! There is a line item "event" in the expenditure, which is event services, including catering vendor, grand rental for tables and chairs. Should I use 511 All other food and drinking plac...
I think I figured out how to use the IIA event after reading this article. https://support.implan.com/hc/en-us/articles/4409063559835-College-Analyzing-a-Public-College-using-Industry-Impact-Analys...
That really helps! Thank you for the explanation of the filter. I will use IIA event type and put Industry 532 - Local government passenger transit as the Specification, and fill out the Spending P...
Thank you! What do you mean by "make sure to filter your Results for just the IIA Event or we will be overstating the impact by a small figure". How do I filter my results? You mentioned to use IIA...
Thank you for that! What is the difference if I use employee compensation event type for the employee compensation? Is there a double accounting issue if I do that? If I use IIA event with the empl...