Angela Slovachek
Hi Christian, No, it does not typically take that long for IMPLAN to build out a Region using a custom aggregation scheme. I will ask Customer Support to look into this for you. Sorry for the incon...
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Hi, While the calculations for an Industry Impact Analysis Event differ from the Standard Industry Output Events, both still use the Industry's Leontief Production Function (LPF). There are some In...
Monica, Just a couple things to note. I suggest reviewing the Spending Pattern for Industry 56 to be sure you aren't modeling any budget items separately that are assumed to be included in the Con...
Hi Monica, Apologies for the confusion. It sounds like you were given an itemized budget from a client for a construction project and indicated that you wish to use a Bill of Goods approach. What w...
Hi Michael, We do not have an Event Type to model disposable income in IMPLAN. However, you could use a Household Income Event if you were able estimate those values. Here is a link to a support si...
Hi Lee, I would actually suggest using Industry 55 Construction of new commercial structures to model the construction of the facility. If you follow the link in our data support document it will t...
Hi Gil! Can you provide us with a little more information about your project so that we can better understand the type of construction you are analyzing? Does the project occur over a multi-year pe...
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Sam- There could be several factors that would cause you to see a greater impact in one region over another, even when using the same value of inputs. Zip code regions may represent very small econ...