russ smith
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russ smith created a post, tax rev with increased empl compensation
i model an increase in employee compensation. When I adjust the resulting impact tables, do I need to adjust (upwards) the tax revenue tables as well?
russ smith commented, Wow! you got the main idea of what I have done and your advice on how to proceed was great. thanks.
russ smith created a post, how to estimate IBT for non-sales output
i have modeled a pipeline being built using ABP. I have figured out direct impacts for jobs, labor income, and output. My problem comes when i attempt to estimate direct tax impacts. ABP gives m...
russ smith commented, Is there a scheduled release date for the 2011 total state data?
russ smith created a post, stimulus by expenditures from savings
our business incubater is seeking an economic impact analysis yet virtually all tenants are not generating revenue and are not paying themselves a salary. Yet they live somehow. If I can tease ou...