Thanks again for your suggestion. For capital, I exported "Industry Detail SAM Files (CSV Only), Industry Detail, Row Detail" from IxC Social Accounting Matrix and the filtered "14001" as the Insti...
Thanks for the clarification. We will stick to the industry x commodity import matrix from the Social Accounts then. Is there a way to identify imported capital goods? Is that buried in the "indus...
Thanks. Should we just disregard the industry Import table from the "Industry Accounts", or will you be able to revise your queries to generate the correct table? Separately, one can also export a...
Explore> Industry Accounts>IxI SAM View By: DETAIL SAM has total imports from foreign countries to a study area, but the information is not available by commodity or industry, whereas Explore> Soci...
In the Explore> Social Accounts, the "Commodity Trade" shows "total imports". For the US model, this would be imports from foreign countries. But in a state model, does it still refer to foreign im...
[b]Re-posting[/b]: Quick question on the induced impact: since the employee compensation includes fringe benefits, when estimating the induced impact, does the model rely on the entire employee com...
Do you have a more specific release date now? Can we pre-order?
By the way, for the country models in your OECD data set, are they in US dollars or in local currency?
I'm still a little confused about the before vs. after aggregation results. I understand you had no state and local enterprise employment data for the 5 island areas. How do I see that state and ...
Thanks for your explanation regarding the use of CBP data for the 5 island areas. With regard to the aggregation issue, just to make sure I'm following you, is "state and local enterprise ground t...