Industry Change.
Absolutely! All you need to set up an impact is one of the following: Employment, Sales, or Labor Income. When you enter your Employment value into the Event, IMPLAN will fill in the rest of the ...
The value of the timeshare itself is an asset swap and will have no economic impact. However, any real estate fees (advertising, promos, commissions), financing fees, and legal costs associated wi...
Even if the retirees are likely to be re-employed, they are likely taking jobs that would have otherwise gone to non-retirees. So unless they are creating new jobs (i.e., starting their own busine...
If you are setting LPP to something less than 100% in your impact setup, that would do it. If that's not the case, could you please describe your impact set-up? Thanks.
That is exactly right. You can also use the Scenario Level feature in the Analyze Scenario screens and the software will do the multiplication for you.
Hi Janet, You could certainly do that - with a Household Income Change Activity, the software will take out savings and personal taxes, which is exactly what we want. Note that this assumes that ...
As was mentioned in post #13381, you need to set the Activity Level to the total budget (intermediate expenditures + payroll). You can do this by going clicking the Activity to highlight it and th...
Neither of these two approaches includes the direct employment (i.e., the employment at the base itself). Both approaches give you the indirect employment (from the input purchases) and the induce...
You will not be double-counting. You can run this analysis one of two ways: a. If you know the line item purchases, you can run two activities: 1) a Labor Income Change with your known payroll ...