Activity overview
Latest activity by RHanna12-
RHanna12 created a post, Impact of business developed by incubator over the past 10 years
A regional business incubator has been in operation for the past 20 years. They would like to use IMPLAN to estimate the annual impacts over the past 10 years. For example: - In Year One (2010), ...
RHanna12 created a post, Cost savings resulting from improved coordination of care at regional hospital/
A regional hospital has implemented a coordinated care program for people with diabetes, heart disease, and obesity. The program has resulted in reduced re-admissions among patients enrolled in th...
RHanna12 created a post, Measuring effects associated with improved health?
Any suggestions on how one would measure the effects of a hospital's efforts targeting chronic diseases (i.e., diabetes, cardiovascular disease and hypertension, depression/mental health)? These d...
RHanna12 created a post, Impacts of a retail co. HQ, warehse, and store
Looking at a retail company in a significant presence in an Illinois county. The county contains the company headquarters as well as warehouses and retail stores. If use Sector 405 Retail Store ...
RHanna12 created a post, Unusually high employment compensation for sector
Developing a model for pharmaceutical preparation manufacturing (sector 174) in Kankakee County (NE Illinois). Since the industry didn't exist in the county, I'm adding it by customizing the study...
RHanna12 created a post, Modeling conversion of gas station to include E85
We want to model the impacts of a project in which a gas station is installing additional equipment and facilities to be able to sell E85 and E15 gasoline. I know the construction costs. However,...
RHanna12 commented, But what of those rural electric coops that do not generate electricity, but instead purchase it from another entity?
RHanna12 created a post, Purchase of electricity by electric co-ops
This question has several parts. 1. What industry sector would we use to measure economic impacts of rural electric cooperatives? They are generally 501c Not-for-Profit organizations. However, t...
RHanna12 created a post, Impact of Property Tax Extension Limit Law?
An economic development group has asked us to help them understand the "what if" scenario regarding potential application of a property tax extension limit law for taxing bodies in their county. T...
RHanna12 commented, So how would I model the impact changes to a farm implement dealer? The dealer has $10+ million in annual sales, but the goods are produced outside of the study area. The only local impact would ...