Impact output, output deflators and direct jobs
I have a couple of questions related to the inputted amount, the impact amount and the direct jobs created by the inputted dollars. I ran the impact of sector 50: Construction of healthcare structu...
Adjusted final demand value
In IMPLAN pro, once we entered the Industry sales value for a particular industry and adjusted the Event Year, we could preview the adjusted dollar value that was applied to the final demand. Where...
Legalizing Marijuana Impact
I was wondering if anyone has calculated the impact of legalizing marijuana in states where it is still illegal, using the IMPLAN model?
Wholesale jobs
Hello, I have a client who has a gun club and will be buying $1 million worth of guns and ammo. I am assuming that they will buy it from a wholesaler. I used the retail sales margin. So to look at...
Sector codes
I am trying to analyze the impact of a gun club. As part of their investment, they will be buying gun inventories. They have given me the list of items, and I am wondering if you could tell me what...
output deflator
I have a question related to the output deflator. Is there any place where I can find the deflated value of the final demand or do I just divide it myself? For example, if my industry sale for sect...
Output per worker
Hi, I was wondering where on my IMPLAN software will I find information about each county's output per worker, employee compensation etc. Also how do I customize my data? So for example, if I wan...
Sector code
I have a client who wants to build and operate a gun club. I am assuming that it will be something where gun lovers do target practicing. What IMPLAN sectoral code should I use and what would be th...
Hi, I just want to make sure that I am doing the MRIO analysis correctly. I want to see the impact of $3million revenue from an investigative and security firm located in Hillsborough County, Flor...
security monitoring services
I am analyzing the economic impact for a company that is in the business of providing security monitoring services. I have used the sectoral code 387: Investigation and Security Services. The compa...