Donna Graves
New comment by Donna- I took the work study payments (as well as grants, scholarships and salaries) out of the operations analysis. I am breaking these sections out: operations,capital expenditures...
Any ideas out there?
Thanks so much!
When I proportioned out the [b]non- labor[/b] expenditures from the Seattle study, and ran the numbers, part of the results were expressed in employment and labor income (see impact summary on Film...
Most local labor used on film production is measured in days, so if we use job days as the input can we apply the multipliers of 346,347 or 348 (see attached spreadsheet - local labor multipliers)t...
Thank you. I also have a copy of the Seattle Film Study, and wondered how they arrived at their output multiplier (attached). Based on what the Office Manager has told me I think that 99.9% of th...