Error Discussion
A client that my firm is working with is interested in a quantification/characterization of sources of error within IMPLAN. Is there any recent(within the past 5 years or so) document that examines...
Independence of Results
Hello, I'm wondering if there would be any complications with combining the results of separate IMPLAN models. We have 5 categories that will be included in the analysis. Is summing the outputs of...
Historical Grounding of I/O models.
Hello, I'm working on a project that involves a very disaster prone area. If an industry was knocked out in a county, such as fishing, due to natural disaster impacts, would that be reflected in t...
Commercial Fishing Industry Question
Hello, I'm working on a project that involves estimating the impacts of changing fishing conditions on commercial fisheries. I was wondering what the full extent of the "Commercial Fishing" sector...
Accuracy of County Level Data
Are there any descriptions of how the county level economic models are constructed. I understand that the National level I/O data is used as the main source of data in general, but I have not seen ...
Tax Changes from Expected Utility Costs
I'm working on a project that requires the estimation of the economic impacts of an increase in water utility costs. One idea I had on performing this analysis would be to reduce the overall househ...