Using IMPLAN 3.0 to analyze trade flows in highway
We've been asked to analyze the impacts of 2 planned 4-lane highways that will intersect near our community. Each highway begins and ends at much larger cities. Could IMPLAN 3.0 be used to analyze the impact of trade flows occurring on each of the highways?
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Input-Output analysis impacts are based on introduced change in demand/production - ie, the direct effect. Highway construction impacts are relatively based on the construction costs. Operation of the highway impacts are much trickier. Whether using IMPLAN version 2 or 3 you will need to estimate which businesses will be drawn to the region or expand because of change in travel costs between the two cities.0
Input-Output analysis impacts are based on introduced change in demand/production - ie, the direct effect. Highway construction impacts are relatively based on the construction costs. Operation of the highway impacts are much trickier. Whether using IMPLAN version 2 or 3 you will need to estimate which businesses will be drawn to the region or expand because of change in travel costs between the two cities.0
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