Do I net employee compensation out of output?

I'm using industry employee compensation to determine impact.  I have employee compensation/benefits.  I also have output and employment.  I input the employment figure, however for output, do I net out what I put for compensation/benefits since that's included in output?  Or does IMPLAN know that?

Hopefully this question makes sense.  

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  • Official comment

    Hello Christian!


    With this Event setup, you would not need to net out Employee Compensation from your input value for Output, as IMPLAN will by default assume that the Output value includes the Employee Compensation value you have specified (read more in our support article Understanding Output). However, with this level of detail I would suggest that you utilize an Industry Impact Analysis (Detailed) Event Type (IIA) instead of an Industry Employee Compensation Event, as the IIA Event utilizes a preferable imputation method for all other components of Output that are not specified in the Event itself. With an IIA Event, you can specify all known input values for the Industry in question (just as you did in the Industry Employee Compensation Event), while leaving all other values blank to be estimated based on the underlying data for the Industry. 


    Hope this helps! Please let us know if you have any additional questions here.




    Michael Nealy

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