Activity overview
Latest activity by jenny-
jenny commented, Industry Change.
jenny commented, Absolutely! All you need to set up an impact is one of the following: Employment, Sales, or Labor Income. When you enter your Employment value into the Event, IMPLAN will fill in the rest of the ...
jenny commented, If you go to Explore > Social Accounts > Balance Sheets tab > View By: Commodity Balance Sheet and select your industry's main product from the drop-down menu of commodities (it should be the indus...
jenny commented, When you say you are already accounting for the O&M expenses associated with the project – are you modeling these in IMPLAN? If so, are you running them as a series of Events for each line item be...
jenny commented, Great question. The standard approach will still work fine. Other Property Income (OPI) is treated as a leakage in I-O (i.e., we don't know where owners/shareholders live or spend) so it does not...
jenny commented, Hi Allison, Are you using an industry spending pattern (i.e., analysis by parts) for the refining activity, based on a known budget? If that is the case, you can estimate the output value associat...
jenny commented, It may depend on your audience, but I would think it is easier to report by keeping everything in constant $2012. You might find this forum discussion helpful:
jenny commented, In Counties 1 and 2 you need to make sure that the processing sector's RPC for the involved ag sector is 0. In County 3 you need to make sure that the refining facility's RPC for the involved proc...
jenny commented, The taxes generated by the spending of the labor income are all included in the tax impact report. It is the direct taxes on the income itself that are not included. For Employee Compensation p...
jenny commented, I am not exactly sure what you are asking, so if this response does not address your question, don't hesitate to ask again, perhaps rephrased or with any more detail you can provide. IMPLAN's defi...