Are you taking the proper steps to make sure your next economic impact analysis won’t be stuck in the past? The 2021 data set was recently released in IMPLAN Cloud. This data release shows how our economy has adjusted and settled since COVID-19 lockdowns have been lifted and day-to-day life has started to look a little more familiar. In our upcoming webinar on Tuesday, December 13th at 1PM,EST, IMPLAN Education Services Specialist Michael Nealy and IMPLAN Chief Economist Jenny Thorvaldson will explore the ins and outs of the 2021 data, including a variety of meaningful changes to the economy revealed by the new data set. They’ll dive into employment, employee compensation, foreign trade, household spending, and so much more! This webinar will be one you don't want to miss! Sign up now.
IMPLAN 2021 Data Release Notes
Updated September 20, 2023