These files are applicable to the U.S. 528 Industry Aggregation Scheme for data years 2023-2027.
IMPLAN 528 Industries and CommoditiesThis file contains the full list of IMPLAN's 528 Industries and Commodities. |
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IMPLAN Construction Industry DetailsView the breakdown of IMPLAN's construction Industries using this downloadable spreadsheet. |
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MarginsMargins represent the value of the wholesale and retail trade services provided in delivering Commodities from producers' establishments to purchasers. This file contains the four components of the Value Chain: retail, wholesale, and transportation margins for each Industry along with the Producer value. |
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DeflatorsDeflators are used by the software whenever the Event Year is set to a year that differs from the model Data Year. This file has the deflators/inflators for 1997-2060. |
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Employment/FTE and W&S/Employee Compensation ConversionThis spreadsheet allows you to convert IMPLAN Employment to FTE and vice-versa with simple ratios for each Industry. It also allows you to convert IMPLAN Employee Compensation to Wage & Salary income and vice-versa with simple ratios for each Industry. |
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Investment Spending PatternInvestment Spending Pattern (Furniture, Fixtures, & Equipment and FFE with Construction) with 528 Commodities. |
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Event TemplateEvent templates can be used to create Events outside of IMPLAN for import into the system. |
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Combined Region BuilderUpload Combined Regions to the Regions page using the Combined Region Builder template. |
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2022 NAICS to IMPLAN 528 IndustriesThis file contains the full list of 2022 NAICS and bridges them to IMPLAN's 528 Industries and Commodities. |
2022 Aggregated NAICS to IMPLAN 528 IndustriesThis file contains the full list of aggregated 2022 NAICS and bridges them to IMPLAN's 528 Industries and Commodities. |
NAICS Descriptions to IMPLAN 528 Government IndustriesThis file bridges NAICS code descriptions to IMPLAN's 528 Government Enterprise and Government Employment and Payroll only Industries. |
All NAICS Schemes (2002-2022)This file bridges all NAICS Scheme Industry codes going to back to 2002. |
Results AggregatorThis document will help you move your IMPLAN results by Industry into 2-digit and 3-digit NAICS. |
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U.S. Industry Scheme Bridge 528-546This bridge allows you to convert from the 546 Industries scheme (2018-2022 data years) to the 528 Industries scheme and vice-versa. Note that the ratios only work one way: The 546 to 528 bridge is useful for converting 546-based Industries to 528-based Industries, but the 528 to 546 bridge must be used for converting 528-based Industries to 546-based Industries. A ratio of 1 means that 100% of the Industry should be classified as the corresponding Industry in the other scheme. In theory, there could be any number of Industries with a ratio of 1 merged into a single Industry. So, the ratio of 1 for two different Industries simply means that both fit entirely into the same Industry. In general, this happens rarely since we disaggregated more Industries than we aggregated. |
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Zip Code and Congressional District CrosswalkThis file contains the breakout of which zip codes are in which Congressional District. |
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Zip Code and County CrosswalkThis file contains the breakout of which zip codes are in which Congressional District. |
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County and Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA) CrosswalkThis file contains the breakout of which counties are in each Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA). |
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County and State FIPS CodesThis file contains FIPS codes for all counties and states. |
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Written November 27, 2024