U.S. 528 Industries, Conversions, & Bridges

These files are applicable to the U.S. 528 Industry Aggregation Scheme for data years 2023-2027. 


IMPLAN 528 Industries and Commodities

This file contains the full list of IMPLAN's 528 Industries and Commodities.


IMPLAN Construction Industry Details

View the breakdown of IMPLAN's construction Industries using this downloadable spreadsheet. 



Margins represent the value of the wholesale and retail trade services provided in delivering Commodities from producers' establishments to purchasers. This file contains the four components of the Value Chain: retail, wholesale, and transportation margins for each Industry along with the Producer value.



Deflators are used by the software whenever the Event Year is set to a year that differs from the model Data Year. This file has the deflators/inflators for 1997-2060.


Employment/FTE and W&S/Employee Compensation Conversion

This spreadsheet allows you to convert IMPLAN Employment to FTE and vice-versa with simple ratios for each Industry. It also allows you to convert IMPLAN Employee Compensation to Wage & Salary income and vice-versa with simple ratios for each Industry.


Investment Spending Pattern

Investment Spending Pattern (Furniture, Fixtures, & Equipment and FFE with Construction) with 528 Commodities.


Event Template

Event templates can be used to create Events outside of IMPLAN for import into the system.


Combined Region Builder

Upload Combined Regions to the Regions page using the Combined Region Builder template.



2022 NAICS to IMPLAN 528 Industries

This file contains the full list of 2022 NAICS and bridges them to IMPLAN's 528 Industries and Commodities.


2022 Aggregated NAICS to IMPLAN 528 Industries

This file contains the full list of aggregated 2022 NAICS and bridges them to IMPLAN's 528 Industries and Commodities.


NAICS Descriptions to IMPLAN 528 Government Industries

This file bridges NAICS code descriptions to IMPLAN's 528 Government Enterprise and Government Employment and Payroll only Industries.


All NAICS Schemes (2002-2022)

This file bridges all NAICS Scheme Industry codes going to back to 2002.


Results Aggregator

This document will help you move your IMPLAN results by Industry into 2-digit and 3-digit NAICS.




U.S. Industry Scheme Bridge 528-546

This bridge allows you to convert from the 546 Industries scheme (2018-2022 data years) to the 528 Industries scheme and vice-versa. Note that the ratios only work one way: The 546 to 528 bridge is useful for converting 546-based Industries to 528-based Industries, but the 528 to 546 bridge must be used for converting 528-based Industries to 546-based Industries.

A ratio of 1 means that 100% of the Industry should be classified as the corresponding Industry in the other scheme. In theory, there could be any number of Industries with a ratio of 1 merged into a single Industry. So, the ratio of 1 for two different Industries simply means that both fit entirely into the same Industry. In general, this happens rarely since we disaggregated more Industries than we aggregated.




Zip Code and Congressional District Crosswalk

This file contains the breakout of which zip codes are in which Congressional District.


Zip Code and County Crosswalk

This file contains the breakout of which zip codes are in which Congressional District.


County and Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA) Crosswalk

This file contains the breakout of which counties are in each Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA).


County and State FIPS Codes

This file contains FIPS codes for all counties and states. 




Written November 27, 2024