IMPLAN releases U.S. data annually. U.S. data is available at the zip code, congressional district, county, metropolitan statistical area, state, and national level. Users will automatically have access to the latest U.S. Annual Data Year with a current subscription. Explore our range of package and pricing options at


2023 Data Year

First, navigate to the IMPLAN Dashboard. From the Dashboard, click the Plus Icon to start a new Project. Note that this can also be done by pressing navigating to the projects tile.

From the project tile, click New Project in the top right of the screen. 

A popup window will appear to create a new project. The Industry Set should be set to the 528 Industries by default, unless otherwise specified in User Preferences. This Industry Set is specifically for the U.S. data in the 2023 Data Year. All previous Data Years (2001-2022) will require the use of the 546 Industries Set until the release of the updated IMPLAN 528 Industry Set time series data (coming in 2025). 

After the correct Industry Set is selected, name the project, then click Create Project.

After creating the Project, the Regions screen will appear in the Map View of the U.S. Select a Region by clicking on the map, using the Search Bar, or from the List View. 

2001-2022 Data Year

First, navigate to the IMPLAN Dashboard. From the Dashboard, click the Plus Icon to start a new Project. Note that this can also be done by pressing navigating to the projects tile.

From the project tile, click New Project in the top right of the screen. 

A popup window will appear to create a new project. From here, set the Industry Set to 546 Industries. This Industry Set is specifically for the U.S. Regions and U.S. Territory data in Data Years 2001-2022. 

After the correct Industry Set is selected, name the project, then click Create Project.

After creating the Project, the Regions screen will appear in the Map View of the U.S. Select a Region by clicking on the map, using the Search Bar, or from the List View. Select the Data Year (2001-2022) for the Region from the dropdown menu. 


The Bureau of Economic Analysis’ (BEA) Benchmark I-O Tables are the primary source for IMPLAN’s U.S. Industry Set. The BEA I-O tables are released every 5 years and provide detailed statistics on economic processes and relationships and essential information for other economic accounts. However, IMPLAN has developed techniques to maintain a larger list of Industries than currently available from BEA data.

When the BEA releases a new benchmark, IMPLAN follows suit and introduces those new underlying sets of industry production functions. The following table shows the U.S. Industry Sets for the past 25 years. 

IMPLAN Database Years Number of IMPLAN Industries BEA Benchmarks
1996-2000 528 1987 & 1992



509 1997
2007-2012 440 2002
2013-2017 536 2007 with parts of 2002 and 1997
2018-2022 546 2012 with parts of 2007, 2002, & 1997
2023+ 528

2017 with parts of 2012, 2007, 2002, & 1997

The current Industry Set for the U.S. contains the 528 Industries and their respective Commodities. The Industries can be grouped into the following categories:

  • 1-19 are Agriculture
  • 20-33 are Mining, Minerals, and Oil
  • 34-44 are Utilities
  • 45-57 are Construction
  • 58-374 are Manufacturing
  • 375-395 are Wholesale and Retail
  • 396-403 Transport Related
  • 404-507 Services
  • 508-516 Government Enterprises
  • 517-520 are Commodity-Only Sectors
  • 521-528 captures payroll and employment for different types of government

Industries 1-516 are all private industries and government enterprises that have been aggregated by similarity in input purchasing patterns.

The previous Industry Set for the U.S. contains the 546 Industries and their respective Commodities. The Industries can be grouped into the following categories:

  • 1-19 are Agriculture
  • 20-38 are Mining, Minerals, and Oil
  • 39-49 are Utilities
  • 50-62 are Construction
  • 63-391 are Manufacturing
  • 392-413 are Wholesale and Retail
  • 414-421 Transport Related
  • 422-525 Services
  • 526-534 Government Enterprises
  • 535-538 are Commodity-Only Sectors
  • 539-546 captures payroll and employment for different types of government

Industries 1-534 are all private industries and government enterprises that have been aggregated by similarity in input purchasing patterns.

The following table shows the Industry groupings between the two latest U.S. Industry sets.

Industry Grouping 546 codes 528 codes Industry Change
Agricultural, Forestry, Fishing, and Hunting 1-19 1-19 0
Mining, Minerals, and Oil 20-38 20-33 -5 
Utilities 39-49 34-44 0
Construction 50-62 45-57 0
Manufacturing  63-391 58-374 -12
Wholesale and Retail 392-413 375-395 -1
Transportation and Storage 414-422 396-404  0
Services 423-525 405-507 0
Government Enterprises 526-534 508-516 0
Commodity-Only (ex. Scrap) 535-538 517-520 0
Employment and Payroll of Government 539-546 521-528  0


Each year a variety of data sources are compiled to create the IMPLAN datasets. Most of IMPLAN's Industries are based on definitions put forth by the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA). Our data is derived from numerous sources, primarily federal agencies who conduct annual data collection and estimates, such as:

  • U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) including CEW and Consumer Expenditure Survey
  • U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) including REA data, Benchmark I/O accounts, and Output estimates
  • U.S. Census Bureau County Business Programs (CBP) and Decennial Census and Population Surveys
  • U.S. Department of Agriculture Census
  • And many more!


IMPLAN U.S. data is updated annually, but the 'current' year lags behind the current calendar year. IMPLAN typically releases U.S. Annual Data in December the following year after the calendar year is complete. For example, the U.S. 2019 Data Year was released in December 2020. However, the data is a snapshot of the economy for the base year of the data set, the year for which the data was reported. Thus a 2019 Data Year of Orleans Parish will show the economy of 2019 (pre-pandemic) and a 2021 Data Year of Orleans Parish will show the economy of 2021 (post-pandemic). 

Data sources used to calculate the IMPLAN Data do not become available until early June of the following year. Once the data sources become available, our Ph.D. economists and data developers begin compiling and converting this information into our unique IMPLAN data products. IMPLAN data come from various sources, in a variety of Industry schemes, sometimes with differing definition frameworks, and most with non-disclosures. IMPLAN constructs a complete database and adds value to the available data by:

  1. Creating new datasets each year
  2. Providing estimates for non-disclosed data
  3. Providing estimates for non-Census years
  4. Providing estimates at finer geographic and sectoral scales
  5. Providing inter-county trade flow data, which allows for Multi-Regional I/O analysis
  6. Reconciliation of multiple data sources
  7. Compiling the data together in a consistent format

To investigate further into IMPLAN’s U.S. data sources and methodology please follow this link.


Data Sources & Estimation Methods


Updated December 6, 2024