Update to Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Data Source
National-Level Greenhouse Gas Emission Totals by Industry data are now sourced from the U.S. GHG Inventory report. The source used in all prior iterations of IMPLAN Environmental data was the United States Environmentally Extended Input-Output (USEEIO) model, created and maintained by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Rather than obtaining GHG emission amounts by BEA Industry (as is the case with the USEEIO), pulling data directly from this new source gives data based on North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) codes. These can then be bridged to IMPLAN industries.
This data takes IMPLAN’s environmental ratios from being based largely on 2016 emissions values to 2022 values. All industries in the model were updated to use this source, with the following exceptions for which there were no new data:
- Private Households
- All Government Industries
- All Construction Industries
- Electronic computer manufacturing
- Other communications equipment manufacturing
- Manufacturing and reproducing magnetic and optical media
- Small electrical appliance manufacturing
- Motor home manufacturing
In these cases, the data based on the USEEIO’s 2016 emissions estimates were used. It should be noted that the USEEIO will use this same data in the NAICS scheme moving forward.
Addition of Three Greenhouse Gasses
The most recent iteration of Greenhouse Gas emissions source data includes data for three additional GHG categories. They are:
- Perfluorohexane
- Perfluorobutane
- HFCs and PFCs, unspecified
As such, IMPLAN industries now have ratios associated with the production of these three GHG’s, should they be applicable.
More Recent Source Data for Electricity Production Industries GHG Values
The Environmental Protection Agency produces data on generation of Greenhouse Gasses by power plant by region. Rather than using the USEEIO model from the EPA, IMPLAN elects to use these Greenhouse Gas generation by power plant data to produce estimates for its electricity production industries. These data come from the Emissions and Generation Resource Integrated Database (eGRID). By incorporating total emissions by distinct types of electricity generation, GHG production can be industry-specific, rather than split out from a single Electricity and Power Generation, Transmission, and Distribution industry as is provided by the USEEIO.
While IMPLAN’s incorporation of this data is not new, the eGRID data used for creating these splits has been updated to use 2022 values. This matches the data year in which the new GHG source came. The prior split data was from 2016, which also matched the year in which our raw GHG amounts came.
The relevant industries that utilize this data for their Units per Dollar of Output ratio are the following:
- 34 - Electric power generation - Hydroelectric
- 35 - Electric power generation - Fossil fuel
- 36 - Electric power generation - Nuclear
- 37 - Electric power generation - Solar
- 38 - Electric power generation - Wind
- 39 - Electric power generation - Geothermal
- 40 - Electric power generation - Biomass
- 41 - Electric power generation - All other
Written November 27, 2024