2022 Demographic Expansion Release Notes

Special Treatment of Connecticut County Level Data  

The 2022 IMPLAN Demographic Expansion Data was reliant upon the 2022 version of the American Community Survey (ACS) 5-Year estimates data released by the United States Census Bureau. As such, raw data contained estimates for Connecticut’s new planning regions rather than for Connecticut counties. For more information on the Census Bureau’s adoption of planning regions over counties, please see the following notice: https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2022/06/06/2022-12063/change-to-county-equivalents-in-the-state-of-connecticut 

While IMPLAN does intend to adopt Connecticut’s planning regions in the future, the 2022 version of our core data was still based on Connecticut’s eight legacy counties. To produce expanded demographic data that would be suitable to pair with our county-level models for Connecticut, we substituted in 2021 5-Year estimates ACS data for Connecticut counties only. This means that the first-estimate distributions of county-level data are based on a one-year lag. State and National data (to which the county data is controlled) continued to use the 2022 5-Year estimates ACS data. Zip code level data also used non-lagged data.