Economic Impact of Incidents of International Unrest


Incidents of international unrest, such as Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, can have major repercussions for the U.S. economy. Join us as we take a closer look in our upcoming webinar on Friday, September 23rd at 1PM, EST. In this webinar, the IMPLAN team will examine the overlap of regionality in terms of the industrial gains and losses across the United States to see if policy interventions might be required to mitigate economic losses to certain places due to international unrest. We’ll explore a similar approach to the work of the economists in WWII while looking at the Russian invasion of Ukraine in 2022. However, instead of examining the supply chains of antagonists, this work uses a net analysis to examine how the United States is impacted by sanctions against Russia as well as aid sent to Ukraine. We can’t wait to see you there!




Net Analysis

Net Analysis: Switching to Solar Energy

Utility Purchases & Energy Rebates

Environmental Data in IMPLAN

Updated September 23, 2022