IMPLAN’s 2019 Environmental data is our first release of the environmental data within IMPLAN. This data set is labeled 2019 as that is the year that this data was first published. This article will go through the information pertaining to the first version of our environmental data.
Note: The information in this article is only applicable to projects run prior to the 2023 Environmental Data Release. Users may continue to apply the 2019 Environmental Data ratios to their ongoing or future project. However, those ratios will only be applied within the new 2023 Environmental Data framework in Region Details, Impact Results, and Data Library (this includes all Dashboards, tables, Environmental Category, etc.). The new 2023 Environmental data Release notes article can be found here.
IMPLAN has added its Environmental Data by Industry data to the IMPLAN application and Data Library. These datasets show estimates of Criteria Pollutants, Greenhouse Gases, Land Use, Mineral Use, Nitrogen and Phosphorus Release to Water, Pesticide Emissions, Toxic Chemical Releases, and Water Use by Industry for a given Region. Environmental Data is available for all U.S.-based models, including combined regions, aggregated industry models, and customized models. These data are not available for the Canada Provincial or International Industry Sets.
There are two different ways of viewing the Environmental Data in the application: Regional Environmental Data and Environmental Impact Data. IMPLAN’s Environmental Data provides powerful insights outside of impact modeling. For example, the environmental data can help a Region understand how its emissions have fallen over time as its Industry mix has changed over time. Or they can help a company illustrate how its emissions are lower than the Industry-average due to the company’s ESG stewardship practices.
There are three areas where Environmental Data can be accessed in IMPLAN; Regions Details, Data Library, and Project Results.
The tables located in the Regions Details provide insight into the model Region’s environmental contribution. Descriptions of the data found here are detailed in our Environmental Data - Region Details article. The same data can also be accessed from the Data Library for all U.S. states and counties.
The Environmental Impact Data shows the Region Summary, Industry Summary, and Detailed Environmental Impact for each of the Satellite Accounts that accompany your specific impact or contribution in the Results tab. In addition, the Region Environmental Impact Summary shows the total Direct, Indirect, and Induced impacts on all Satellite Accounts.
- Region Summary shows the detailed Environmental names and tags with their values in the region (for example, within the Greenhouse Gases (GHGs) table, there is a row from Environment Name: carbon dioxide; Environment Tag: co2; along with a row for each of the other types of GHGs). For Environment Satellites containing Environment names/tags that fall into multiple categories (indicated in the bulleted list above), there is a column included for Environment Category. Use the Filters to limit results to desired Region, Group, Event, and Industry. The Filter can also be used to select an Environmental Category, Name, Satellite Account, or Tag.
- The Industry Summary shows the total for the chosen satellite account, by each of the 546 IMPLAN Industries. Use the Filters to limit results to desired Region, Group, Event, and Industry. The Filter can also be used to select an Environmental Category, Name, Satellite Account, or Tag.
- The Details table shows you the details for each name/tag in criteria pollutants for each of the 546 IMPLAN Industries. Use the Filters to limit results to desired Region, Group, Event, and Industry. The Filter can also be used to select an Environmental Category, Name, Satellite Account, or Tag.
*Notes* “Tags” and “satellites" will no longer appear when looking at the Environmental Data within the application.
IMPLAN’s Environmental Data consist of ratios representing physical emissions or inputs per dollar of Industry Output, with the physical unit depending on the particular pollutant or input under consideration. IMPLAN’s environmental coefficients or ratios, came from the EPA’s Environmentally-Extended Input-Output model (EEIO) data (version 1.1). While the ratios are Industry-specific, the EPA data have somewhat less Industry-specificity than the IMPLAN data, such that some EPA ratios are mapped to more than one IMPLAN Industry; in other words, some IMPLAN Industries have the same environmental ratios.
These ratios can be applied to the IMPLAN modeling system in order to gain insight into the environmental impacts associated with economic impact scenarios.
Environmental Data is reflective of the Region and Data Year by Environment Satellite (our general environmental groupings, listed below). This data is derived from the composition of Industries in the Region and EPA data on emissions by Industry.
Environment Satellites (and the categories they fall into) are listed below:
- Criteria Pollutants (Air)
- Greenhouse Gases (Air)
- Land Use (Resource)
- Mineral Use (Resource)
- Nitrogen and Phosphorus Release to Water (Water)
- Pesticide Emissions (Air, Soil & Water)
- Toxic Chemical Releases (Air, Soil & Water)
- Water Use (Water & Resource)
All Unit Values are measures of mass in kilograms (kg) except for Land Use unit values and Water Use unit values. Land Use measures are in square meters per year (m2*a), and Water Use measures are volume in cubic meters (m3). The Environment Unit column indicates the unit of measure for the Unit Value.
IMPLAN produces Environmental Results based on the Output Effects in each Industry from an analysis and the ratio of Environment Unit Value per dollar of Output in each Industry. The tables in the Results are the same format as those found in Region Details.
USEEIO v1.1 Description of Satellite Table Updates
Never too Small To Make a Difference: Environmental Impacts!
Written August 30, 2023