Occupation data can be used to examine study area data to gain important insights into a Region’s existing labor force, the skill requirements of various Industries, and more. The Occupation Data can also be seen in the Results of any impact or contribution analysis run within the IMPLAN application.
The data levels correspond to the BLS's Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) codes. Major is the most aggregated, followed by Minor, Broad, and Detail. All data is based on national averages but brought to the regional level in IMPLAN by applying national level ratios to the regional industry mix. As with Employment, there may be fractional Occupations, especially for small firms where a few employees are spread across multiple Occupations.
The SOC categorizes occupations into several levels of detail, including 800+ detailed occupations which comprise 400+ broad groups, ~100 minor groups, and 23 major groups. For example, the 2023 occupation data had the following occupation counts by level:
Level | Name | Records | Example |
Total | All occupations | 1 | All Occupations |
Major | 2-digit | 23 | 51-0000 - Production Occupations |
Minor | 3-digit | 97 | 51-7000 - Woodworkers |
Broad | 4-digit | 459 | 51-7030 - Model Makers and Patternmakers, Wood |
Detail | 5-digit | 845 | 51-7032 - Patternmakers, Wood |
The Occupation Impacts show the details for the Occupations, Wages, and Core Competencies that accompany the specific impact or contribution on the Results Screen. Descriptions of the data found here are detailed in our Occupation Data article. Remember, these Occupation Results for all Dashboards will only describe Wage and Salary Employment while not including Proprietor Employment.
The Occupation Impact Dashboard contains a single table detailing regional employment and wage impacts by occupation. Use the filters to limit results to a desired Region, Impact, Group, Event Name, Event Tag, and Industry. The filters can also be used to select a different Occupation Data Year or Aggregation Level.
The Occupation Impacts table contains Wage and Salary Employment, Wage and Salary Income, Supplements to Wages and Salaries, Employee Compensation, and Hours Worked for each Occupation Code/Occupation impacted in the Project. By default with no additional filters applied (outside of Dollar Year, Occupation Data Year, and Occupation Aggregation Level), this will include Occupation Results for all Industries, Regions, Impact Types, and Events in the Project. This will be true for all Occupation Dashboards/tables.
The Occupation Impact Averages Dashboard contains a single table detailing the average regional employment and wage impacts by-occupation. Use the filters to limit results to desired Region, Impact, Group, Event Name, Event Tag, and Industry. The filters can also be used to select a different Occupation Data Year or Aggregation Level.
The Occupation Impacts table contains Average Wage and Salary Income, Average Supplements to Wages and Salaries, Average Employee Compensation, Average Hours per Year, Average Wage and Salary Income per Hour, Average Supplements to Wages and Salaries per Hour, Average Employee Compensation per Hour for each Occupation Code/Occupation impacted in the Project.
The Core Competency Dashboard contains a table for each core competency category (Ability, Knowledge, Skills (known collectively as KSAs), Education Required, Work Experience Required, On-the-Job Training Required). Use the filters to limit results to desired Region, Impact, Group, Event Name, Event Tag, and Industry. The filters can also be used to select a different Occupation, Occupation Data Year, or Aggregation Level.
The Impacts Table for the different KSAs contain the Competency Points, and Competency Share of Total for each Competency Code/Description/Ext Description.
Remember that the values in each table will be the total Results of all Events in all Regions. However, filters can be applied to drill into the Results of a specific Event, or a specific Region. For data tables, sorting gives users the ability to change the row order by any column in the table (to ascending or descending). If a user would like to export the data table or save a visualization, the tile actions icon can be used to download it directly from IMPLAN.
When viewing any of the Occupation Dashboards in the Results of an IMPLAN Project, the only filters that will be applied by default are Dollar Year, Occupation Data Year, and Occupation Aggregation Level. Users can apply filters to drill into detailed subsets of Results. For example, to display the Occupation Impacts Table with Detailed occupations for the Induced Results, simply filter on Impact > Induced, and Occupation Aggregation Level > 5-Detail.
Result tables can be sorted by any of the columns by clicking on the sort icon within the column.
All data in the table will be sorted in descending order (highest values listed at the top of the table) relative to the column title. To change how the data is sorted, click on another field. When the view has been sorted, the selected column title will appear with an arrow to its right indicating that the table has been sorted by this column header. Hold down the shift key to sort by multiple columns.
Remember, that IMPLAN users can also download an entire Dashboard or individual tables and visualizations. The export function allows data to be exported directly to various file types by clicking the Tile Actions or Dashboard Actions Icon. To download an entire Dashboard, click the Dashboard Actions in the upper right hand corner of the Dashboard, and clicking Download (either as a PDF or CSV file):
Users can also download individual Results tables in multiple formats by clicking on the Tile Actions icon, then clicking Download data.
Note that these downloaded Results tables will always have a default row limit of 5,000 rows. If more than 5,000 rows of data exist, we suggest implementing filters for subsets of the Results (e.g. Direct, Indirect, and Induced) then manually compiling them into a single excel document outside of IMPLAN.
Adding Occupation Details to your Analysis
Production of IMPLAN's Occupation Data
A First Look at the 2020 Occupation Data in IMPLAN
Occupations: Examining Potential Job Losses
Occupation Data - Region Details
Written August 30, 2023